Slack Integration

This step-by-step guide will show you how to integrate the Slack application with SaaS Alerts.

  1. Log in to SaaS Alerts and select the Organizations tab.
  2. Click the Edit Organization pencil icon for your customer.
  3. Click Add Applications to add the Slack app.
  4. Click the Slack tile.
  5. Enter the required user and password and then click Accept All. If successful, a green checkmark will appear next to the Slack application.

IMPORTANT  The requirements needed to set up Slack within the SaaS Alerts UI are as follows:
• The Slack instance must be a paid Pro Plan, Business+, or Enterprise Grid. SaaS alerts will not be able to connect to the free tier, as it does not support an API connection.

• The user needed to make the connection must be a Workspace Owner or Workspace Admin.